How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (2024)

It's easy to get caught up in focusing on the "showy" muscles like the chest, abs, and biceps, and we bet there's one area you've probably overlooked - your forearms.

However, the truth is that your forearms play a vital role in overall upper body strength and aesthetics.

But why do so many people neglect their forearms during their workouts? Also, How to get bigger forearms?

Well, here is detailed content on each query that occurs in your mind regarding this.

It comprises 10 best exercises for massive, detailed, and aesthetically appealing forearms.

How to Get Bigger Forearms? 10 Proven Exercises:

Before working on any other part of your body, it’s important to build up and strengthen your forearms because, with strong forearms, you can perform plenty of exercises.

So how to get bigger forearms? Here are top ten exercises with step by step process:

1. Palms-Up Wrist Curls

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (1)

The palm-up wrist curl is a variation of the standard wrist curl, which targets the muscles under your forearm.

The palm-up wrist curl is an excellent exercise to add to your forearm training routine, as it helps to improve grip strength and wrist stability.

How to do it

  • Sit on a bench and hold a barbell in your hands with your palms facing up.
  • Rest your forearms on your knees and lower the bar towards the floor.
  • Curl your wrist upward, pause, and then slowly lower.

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (2)

Open Barbell

The open barbell is composed of high-grade steel with a tensile strength of 150K psi and a load capacity of 1000 pounds. The black phosphate coating on the shaft and chrome on the sleeves protect it from wear and oxidation, making it a long-lasting product.


2. Palms-Down Wrist Curls

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (4)

The palm-down wrist curl is an effective exercise for strengthening forearms and the muscles on top of your forearm.

By targeting these muscles, you can improve your grip strength, wrist stability, and overall arm strength.

How to do it

  • Sit on a flat bench, keeping your feet at the sides.
  • Hold the barbell, palms down, with hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Lean forward so your elbows are resting against the bench.
  • Inhale, using only your wrists to lower the barbell.
  • Exhale, using only your wrists to raise the barbell.
  • Then, repeat the set.

3. Farmer’s Carry

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (5)

The farmer's carry is a fantastic exercise for building strength and endurance in the entire body, particularly in the grip and core.

As it targets many muscle groups at a time, it is beneficial for the whole body. Carrying the heavy weight for a certain distance increases your overall grip strength and provides the desired stability to your core as well.

How to do it

  • Begin by standing straight with your weights to the side of your body.
  • Shoulders should be over the feet
  • Squat down with your hands to the side, chest up, and shoulders back
  • Grab the weights tightly while standing straight
  • Set your eyes forward, and take small steps.
  • Perform the walk, place your equipment down, take a break, and repeat.

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (6)

Elevate your fitness routine with Kettlebells!

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (7)



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4. Resistance Band Pull-Up

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (12)

Resistance band pull-ups are a forearm workout for strength that boosts overall health.

It involves using resistance bands and a pull-up bar to perform this exercise routine.

This could be the key to achieving your goals for those who think they cannot do any pull-ups.

How to do it:

  • Hang your resistance band over the pull-up bar.
  • Grab each side with your hands.
  • Inhale and pull yourself up
  • Then, exhale and lower yourself until your arms are fully extended.

Related Article: Top 25 At-Home Exercises for Beginners

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (13)

Pull Up Resistance and Workout Bands

Pull-up assistance bands are a one-step solution to give you all comfort required during rigorous training. These bands are perfect for elevating your performance on the deadlift, powerlifting, and shoulder press training.


5.Farmer’s Walk:

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (15)

Here is the easiest to do workout when it comes to how to get bigger forearms. Farmer’s Walk, as the name denotes, you will be working out by walking.

But there is a twist. To make your walk impactful without getting tired, here is how you will perform Farmer’s Walk for massive forearms:

How to do it?

  • Stand up and carry some weight in both your hands.
  • You can use dumbbells or kettlebells
  • Maintain a good posture
  • Walk about 25 to 50 feet

You can repeat and increase weight with time for more impactful results.

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (16)

DMoose Kettlebells

Experience superior strength training with DMoose Kettlebells. Enjoy a flawless grip with our powder finish, color-coded for easy selection. Perfect for all fitness levels.


6. Trap Bar Carry

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (18)

The trap bar carry is a challenging and great exercise that targets the muscles in your back and enhances your grip strength.

This exercise is similar to the farmer's carry, but instead of using kettlebells or dumbbells, you use a trap bar, which allows you to lift heavier weights and place more load on your muscles.

The Trap Bar Carry works every muscle in your upper body, particularly your back muscles, including your traps, lats, rhomboids, and erector spinae

How to do it

  • Position yourself inside a trap bar with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by your side.
  • Lean forward and take a neutral hold on the handles.
  • Stand tall and extend your hips and knees to get into a position.
  • Hold the trap bar and walk a certain distance or duration while keeping an active shoulder position.

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (19)

Maximize your home gym with DMoose's 3-in-1 Adjustable Set, combining dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells in a compact, space-saving design. Enjoy safe, versatile workouts and premium-quality materials. Transform your fitness routine today!


7. Plate Pinches

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (21)

In plate pinch exercises, the muscles worked during the exercise depend on the type of grip used.

If you use an overhand grip, the muscles in your forearm and wrist extensors will be engaged.

If you use a supinated (underhand) grip, the muscles in your forearm and wrist flexors will be engaged.

How to do it

  • Hold a pair of weight plates in a pinching grip.
  • Now, lift the weight plates off the ground
  • Hold them for as long as possible, then carefully set them down.

8. Reverse Cable Curl

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (22)

The reverse cable curl is a variation of the traditional bicep curl exercise that targets the back of the arms, particularly the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

The movement of the exercise involves the entire arm, from the elbow to the shoulder, making it a great full-body workout that also engages the core muscles.

How to do it

  • Connect a straight bar attachment to a cable machine.
  • Grab the attachment with the palms facing down.
  • Step back from the machine with your arms in front of your body.
  • Flex your elbow toward your shoulder.
  • Squeeze your biceps, then slowly drop the weight until your elbow is completely locked out.
  • Repeat as necessary.

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9. Pull Up Bar Hang

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (23)

The pull-up bar hang involves hanging from a pull-up bar for an extended period.

This forearm pull exercise is often used as a warm-up or cool-down exercise for other upper-body workouts, but it can also be used as a standalone exercise to build upper-body strength.

The pull-up bar hangs primarily at the back muscles, including the lats, traps, and rhomboids.

How to do it

  • To reach your pull-up bar, use a bench or step.
  • Take hold of the bar in an overhand grip.
  • Try maintaining a shoulder-width distance between your arms.
  • Take your feet off the bench now and hang on the bar.
  • Keep your arms straight and at a comfortable angle.

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (24)

DMoose Doorway Pull Up Bar: Your Gateway to Pea...

Elevate your home workouts with DMoose Door Pull Up Bar. Easy installation, versatile workouts, and a design that fits seamlessly into your living space.


10. Hammer Curl

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (26)

The hammer curl is the best exercise for building mass in your biceps and forearms.

Compound exercises recruit multiple muscles and involve more muscle fibers.

These exercises are more effective in building muscles than isolation exercises that target specific muscles and individual muscle groups.

How to do it

  • Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length by your sides with your hands facing inward.
  • Curl the dumbbells as close to your shoulders as possible.
  • Keep your elbows tucked, your upper arms fixed, and your palms facing inward.
  • After pausing, gradually return the weights to their starting position.

How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (27)

Maximize your home gym with DMoose's 3-in-1 Adjustable Set, combining dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells in a compact, space-saving design. Enjoy safe, versatile workouts and premium-quality materials. Transform your fitness routine today!


Why Should I Train My Forearm Muscles

Following are the benefits of exercising your forearm muscles to improve your ability to grip and hold onto objects.

It gives advantages to athletes or individuals who perform manual labor or activities that require a strong grip.

Increased Forearm and Grip Strength

Sometimes, we focus on building leg and chest strength but must remember the essential muscle group: the forearms.

Training forearms is crucial as it can strengthen the muscles crossing your hands, wrists, and elbows.

Furthermore, it increases your grip strength.

Improved grip strength will help you perform daily activities, and you can lift heavier weights during athletic activities more efficiently than ever.

Improved Coordination and Balance

The exercises mentioned above help increase forearm coordination while performing activities such as lifting weights or even simple daily tasks.

The stronger your forearms are, the easier it will be to maintain balance while working with other muscle groups.

With increased coordination and balance, you can lift heavy weights without dropping them or being unable to hold them longer.

Better Muscle Growth

When working out, we often focus on the major muscle groups like the chest, back, and legs.

However, the forearm muscles are as important in achieving overall muscle growth.

By exercising the forearm muscles, you can improve your grip strength and increase the size and definition of your arms by lifting heavier weights.

Reduced Risk of Repetitive Strain Injuries

Repetitive strain injuries, or cumulative trauma disorders, occur from repetitive movements, awkward postures, or forceful exertions.

The forearm exercises increase the grip strength and provide stability to the hand and wrist muscles to perform everyday activities without getting injured.

Moreover, the exercises increase the blood circulation in the body, which helps in faster recovery in the form of any injury and increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients in the blood.

Related Article: 5 Reasons Why Wrist Training is Important for Bodybuilders


1. What are the best forearm exercises for beginners?

Palm-up or palm-down wrist curls and wrist extensions are some of the best exercises for beginners. You can perform an entire forearm workout around just these three exercises.

2. How does forearm training work?

Forearm training involves exercises that target the muscles in the forearms, enhancing their strength, endurance, and flexibility. These exercises include gripping, extension, and rotational movements to target the various muscle groups.

3. What forearm exercise is most effective?

While the reverse wrist curl using an EZ bar can be an effective exercise for the forearm extensor muscles, it's important to note that there isn't necessarily a single "most effective" forearm exercise. Different exercises can target different parts of the forearm and provide unique benefits.

The Verdict

Strong and well-developed forearms are crucial for achieving overall fitness and athletic performance.

We have discussed exercises such as wrist curls, farmer's carries, trap bar carries, plate pinches, and other forearm-targeting movements that can provide a well-rounded approach to forearm training.

But to maximize your results and achieve them in less time, you must include the best gym equipment in your routine.

Before buying, explore different exercise equipment such as dumbbells, Barbells, and resistance bands, specifically those that will enhance your forearm training regimen.

DMoose is the best place to get gym gear to get the body of your dreams.

Note that experimenting with different exercises and finding what works best for you is key to developing strong and healthy forearms.

Reading List

Top 15 Forearm Wrist Strengtheners of 2022: Reviewed

Blow Up Your Forearms Using a Forearm Twister

10 Advanced Exercises to Take Your Arms to the Next Level

How to Fix the Issue of Losing Your Grip During Lifting

How to Strengthen Wrists: Stretches, Exercises, and Tips

Build Forearm Strength by Mastering These 6 Band Exercises for Powerful Grips

Article Sources

  • Yasuda, Y., & Miyamura, M. (1983). Cross transfer effects of muscular training on blood flow in the ipsilateral and contralateral forearms. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 51(3), 321–329.
  • Weiss, T., Kreitinger, J., Wilde, H., Wiora, C., Steege, M., Dalleck, L., & Janot, J. (2010). Effect of Functional Resistance Training on Muscular Fitness Outcomes in Young Adults. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 8(2), 113–122.
How to get bigger forearms? 10 Forearm Exercises to try. (2024)
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